Which prompted Nick, with a truly boyish grin, to ask if I was going to a small child's birthday. Whatever, he totally wore the crown.
I love birthdays, and I want us to make a big deal out of them in our new family. My parents always treated birthdays like the event of the year, and some of my favorite childhood memories involve the plethora of birthday signs and the personalized birthday menu. So, to my future kids: I promise to make a big deal out of you all the time, but especially on your birthday...
Speaking of big deals, I made The Cupcakes. And let me tell you, they were worth it. Every calorie was worth it. You might remember that I am something of a kitchen newbie. So, while the cupcakes weren't perfect, they were pretty darn good, and it felt so good to create something for someone from scratch.
That was our breakfast-- adulthood has many charms...