Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hunger Games, Throwing Food and Engagement Pics

Last weekend back home with my parents was perfect.

I got to introduce them to one of my dear friends and one of my bridesmaids Meg. We all saw the Hunger Games and of course joined the spontaneous cheering and booing begun by rows and rows of teenage girls. We went to a hibachi restaurant and got delightful stains on our clothes, went to Sephora and got made up by our favorite guy Justin, played with the dogs, and then watched 6 episodes of American Idol.  Like I said, perfect.

Me and Meg before we got rice thrown at us!

Velvet would like you to know that it was hot outside 

Pebbles wants whatever edible items you might be holding
Nick and my engagement shoot is tomorrow, bright and early. If the engagement/wedding has felt in anyway unreal, it's about to get real! I have never really been photographed (save for the once a year photos taken of young Lindsey with freshly combed hair, gaps in my teeth and my hands folded up by my face-- which were truly works of art, letmetellyou), so I have no idea what to expect. I hope we get some good shots that Nick and I can treasure for ever (and display prominently all over the house). I am willing the used car salesman smile to take a hike...

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